As I sit here with nothing but joy and thankfulness in my heart I am somewhat quieted and humbled by the Holy Spirit. My lil paws want to run across the keyboard with all the vigor of chasing a squirrel, however my heart is quite, maybe at peace.
Papa Vern's latest scan came back 100% cancer free!!!!!! God has heard our cries and answered our prayers, with healing, grace and mercy.
The last year has been nothing but hard. I think when there was a void in blogging it came from my inability to verbalize what was going on around me and still keep my light hearted wit and charm that I know you have all come to love!!
My prayer today is this.... "Gracious God, I come before you today with a humbled heart. You have continually shown us your mercy and been our source of comfort. I pray that we do not become complacent in you and continually seek you beyond the storm. Thank you for the blessings you continually poor out in abundance, may we be your hands and feet."
Thank you for all the love, support and prayers. The Moore family could not have done this without you, and will not be able to adequately thank each and every one of you for walking with, sometimes carrying us through it all.
Healing is still on the horizon, Papa Vern will continue to go to his swallow therapist and slowly get his strength back. We look forward to the journey ahead, AND I truly feel like Papa Vern knows what it’s like to eat only diet dog food, and much change, good change is in our future!!
Much love,
Monday, August 2, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
It's summer time in TEXAS!
Fact: Texas had one of the coldest winters in history this past year, and as spring has fallen away the summer heat has set in! Today (June 5) it was 105 at the ballpark in Arlington, my canine senses tell me an extreme winter means an extreme summer to come! The great part about living in TX, it could be 105 today, 80 this evening, and snow tomorrow!
So why all the weather chat? Well these last six months we have been observers of the weather. We didn't make snow angels in February, or hit the lake for Memorial Weekend, we have been watching it change from the inside out. Much like the change in Papa Vern...
These past 6 months I have watched him change to. Change from healthy to sick, strong to weak, confident to uncertain, but one thing that hasn't changed is his unwavering faith. When his body became weak, his faith became strong. And as Papa Vern continues this uphill battle, his army is large and unwavering. Thank you to the Dr. who have been so delicate with the tough conversations, and fierce in treatment plan. Thank you to the prayer warriors that continue on with such diligence and confidence, we couldn't have gotten this far without you!
Today Papa Vern has felt better than he has in months! He is getting his color back and strength back SLOWLY but surely... He is not ready to run a marathon, but walking out to get the mail and morning paper is a great start! We look forward to his continued recovery and continue to PRAY FOR COMPLETE HEALING!
We still have a few more weeks before another PETscan but are taking comfort in these early signs of healing! Like this TX weather, we hope to see many changes in Papa Vern as the summer blazes on!
Only by grace...
Much love,
So why all the weather chat? Well these last six months we have been observers of the weather. We didn't make snow angels in February, or hit the lake for Memorial Weekend, we have been watching it change from the inside out. Much like the change in Papa Vern...
These past 6 months I have watched him change to. Change from healthy to sick, strong to weak, confident to uncertain, but one thing that hasn't changed is his unwavering faith. When his body became weak, his faith became strong. And as Papa Vern continues this uphill battle, his army is large and unwavering. Thank you to the Dr. who have been so delicate with the tough conversations, and fierce in treatment plan. Thank you to the prayer warriors that continue on with such diligence and confidence, we couldn't have gotten this far without you!
Today Papa Vern has felt better than he has in months! He is getting his color back and strength back SLOWLY but surely... He is not ready to run a marathon, but walking out to get the mail and morning paper is a great start! We look forward to his continued recovery and continue to PRAY FOR COMPLETE HEALING!
We still have a few more weeks before another PETscan but are taking comfort in these early signs of healing! Like this TX weather, we hope to see many changes in Papa Vern as the summer blazes on!
Only by grace...
Much love,
Monday, May 31, 2010
deliquent blogging....
so i know i have not been blogging like i should. please forgive me. this blog was intended to keep you posted on papa vern's health and efficiently pass along accurate information (with a slightly charming twist!). i wish i could write you tonight and say that we are on a speedy road to recovery and that everything is just wonderful... however, if you aren't aware, dogs are pretty open and honest creatures with little to hide. (i mean we freely poop in our neighbors front yard for all the world to see!)
papa vern has completed his chemo treatments and IS on the road to recovery. while he is no longer receiving treatment, the effects of the chemo and radiation are still pumping through his system. he is still coughing, still weak, still on feeding tubes, and still in good spirits.
i think the last 2 months have been a whirl wind of emotion for papa vern as he welcomed his second grandchild (1st grand daughter) ms. addyx ryan, and major walker turned 5! much to celebrate and count these blessed events! sean and jen also hosted a fundraising night in honor of papa vern out at the barn which he was able to attend. it was such an amazing reunion of old friends and new ones alike, all there to support papa vern on his continued journey.
papa vern is tired of being sick and ready to be himself again. we have a couple more weeks before any follow up appointments. (the last follow-up was positive) i think really he is tired of being stuck at home with just grandma and i! (more so her than me, i am sure!) please continue to pray for complete healing, and for papa vern to get his strength back.
much love,
ps... here are some current pics!

papa vern has completed his chemo treatments and IS on the road to recovery. while he is no longer receiving treatment, the effects of the chemo and radiation are still pumping through his system. he is still coughing, still weak, still on feeding tubes, and still in good spirits.
i think the last 2 months have been a whirl wind of emotion for papa vern as he welcomed his second grandchild (1st grand daughter) ms. addyx ryan, and major walker turned 5! much to celebrate and count these blessed events! sean and jen also hosted a fundraising night in honor of papa vern out at the barn which he was able to attend. it was such an amazing reunion of old friends and new ones alike, all there to support papa vern on his continued journey.
papa vern is tired of being sick and ready to be himself again. we have a couple more weeks before any follow up appointments. (the last follow-up was positive) i think really he is tired of being stuck at home with just grandma and i! (more so her than me, i am sure!) please continue to pray for complete healing, and for papa vern to get his strength back.
much love,
ps... here are some current pics!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
We have our ups and downs...
I have to say this has been a down week in terms of Papa Vern's condition. It seems like as the radiation and chemo continue the cancer gets weakened, but so does Papa Vern. He has lost most of his signature beard, and decided to shave the rest of his head. Since being on the feeding tube Papa Vern has lost about 30 lbs, and a lot of strength. (I too would like to share that I have lost about 8 lbs from Papa Vern and I no longer sharing our daily snack of triscuits and cheese. Oh' how I miss that!! Papa Vern needs to get his swallower back ASAP so I can get something besides this diet dog food!)
This week has been somewhat exhausting. Papa Vern's Dr. advised no chemo this week as he was too weak, however we continued with radiation and fluids. Hopefully we are looking at only 5 more radiation treatments, and possibly the last round of chemo on Tuesday. At that time he will take a month off of treatment, and then have another PET scan taken. Let's just pray there is no cancer anywhere else, as Papa Vern has said he won't go through with all of this again...
Our hope and prayer at this time is that Papa Vern has complete healing and can get his strength back soon.
Thank you for your diligent prayers from those we love, dear friends, co-workers, bloggers and everyone else who has been following Papa Vern's recovery. Its not over yet but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
We have truly been humbled from this experience and the amount of love and support received is insurmountable. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
Enjoy these pics taken at the chemo center last week and today!!

On a lighter note, we have some very EXCITING news on the horizon! Stay tuned for more!!! :)
Much love,
This week has been somewhat exhausting. Papa Vern's Dr. advised no chemo this week as he was too weak, however we continued with radiation and fluids. Hopefully we are looking at only 5 more radiation treatments, and possibly the last round of chemo on Tuesday. At that time he will take a month off of treatment, and then have another PET scan taken. Let's just pray there is no cancer anywhere else, as Papa Vern has said he won't go through with all of this again...
Our hope and prayer at this time is that Papa Vern has complete healing and can get his strength back soon.
Thank you for your diligent prayers from those we love, dear friends, co-workers, bloggers and everyone else who has been following Papa Vern's recovery. Its not over yet but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
We have truly been humbled from this experience and the amount of love and support received is insurmountable. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
Enjoy these pics taken at the chemo center last week and today!!

On a lighter note, we have some very EXCITING news on the horizon! Stay tuned for more!!! :)
Much love,
Friday, April 9, 2010
Abundent Blessings
Papa Vern and Nana Bebe have been truly blessed in this time of need. While the chemo itself is hard, and the word cancer is tough to swallow, God has poured out his blessings in abundance!
Financial Blessings - God hears our prayers, knows are thoughts and worries of our hearts. Financial struggle through this chemo treatment was a huge burden looming over an already dark situation. God has taken that darkness and shown his light! An Italian feast was prepared as the Lowe's family gathered and through their efforts a HUGE prayer request was answered. What a blessing their financial donations have been! Nana Bebe's office offered photo sessions with the Easter Bunny as a fundraiser for Papa Vern too!
Papa Vern and Nana Bebe can not put into words their thankfulness for the generosity that has been bestowed upon them. The love and support is beyond anything they could have ever imagined and they are truly grateful!
Please continue to pray for strength, healing and comfort.
Much love,
Financial Blessings - God hears our prayers, knows are thoughts and worries of our hearts. Financial struggle through this chemo treatment was a huge burden looming over an already dark situation. God has taken that darkness and shown his light! An Italian feast was prepared as the Lowe's family gathered and through their efforts a HUGE prayer request was answered. What a blessing their financial donations have been! Nana Bebe's office offered photo sessions with the Easter Bunny as a fundraiser for Papa Vern too!
Papa Vern and Nana Bebe can not put into words their thankfulness for the generosity that has been bestowed upon them. The love and support is beyond anything they could have ever imagined and they are truly grateful!
Please continue to pray for strength, healing and comfort.
Much love,
chemo looks like this!
Ready for round 2 of chemo....

Comfort during round 3....

The side effects of chemo are starting to wear on Papa Vern. Tues was supposed to be Round 4 but the Dr. decided to let Papa Vern heal for a week. Papa Vern has had a feeding tube placed in his stomach in order to get his nutrients. Eating and talking are becoming more strained.
Truly its time to just rest and let the chemo and radiation do all the work. Papa Vern has taken a medical leave from work. This was a very humbling and hard transition for Papa Vern to make, but we are grateful he made the decision instead of us or the Dr. making it for him.
Papa Vern and I spend our days napping and dilidaddling around the house. I am totally cool with this life style but its hard on Papa Vern. He is continually reminded that this is just a time in his life, and will not become his life though your continued cards, calls, TEXT, love and prayers!
Please continue to pray for healing!
Much love,

Comfort during round 3....
The side effects of chemo are starting to wear on Papa Vern. Tues was supposed to be Round 4 but the Dr. decided to let Papa Vern heal for a week. Papa Vern has had a feeding tube placed in his stomach in order to get his nutrients. Eating and talking are becoming more strained.
Truly its time to just rest and let the chemo and radiation do all the work. Papa Vern has taken a medical leave from work. This was a very humbling and hard transition for Papa Vern to make, but we are grateful he made the decision instead of us or the Dr. making it for him.
Papa Vern and I spend our days napping and dilidaddling around the house. I am totally cool with this life style but its hard on Papa Vern. He is continually reminded that this is just a time in his life, and will not become his life though your continued cards, calls, TEXT, love and prayers!
Please continue to pray for healing!
Much love,
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A quick update...
So I don't have much to say... Papa Vern is neither feeling good or horrible. He is working when he can and resting when he can't. Last week was rough and pretty scary. Papa Vern was sick, with massive migraines. The doctors had his brain scanned for possible tumors but nothing was found.
Our prayer right now is that he can just be comfortable. We know the next 2 months will be tough treatment wise, and certain side effects are inevitable, but our prayer is that he can just be comfortable.
I also want to recognize his Lowes family in all that they are doing to support Papa Vern. Not only is he allowed to work when he can and take off on a moments notice, but his co-workers have rallied and made the most wonderful cards, and sent the sweetest words of encouragement. They are also hosting a fundraising dinner in his honor to help Papa Vern financially through this tough time. In no way would Papa Vern have ever asked for any help, they are simply doing this because they care. I know I have said it once, but truly if you need some home improvement done, please shop at Lowes. Lowes truly cares about their employees and intern the employees truly care about each other, and their customers.
I truly feel that God's light is shinning through Papa Vern. He is continual inspiration to those who get the chance to be around him right now. He is diligent and faithful, God IS in control, and God IS good all the time.
Please continue to pray faithfully, many blessings and...
Much love,
Our prayer right now is that he can just be comfortable. We know the next 2 months will be tough treatment wise, and certain side effects are inevitable, but our prayer is that he can just be comfortable.
I also want to recognize his Lowes family in all that they are doing to support Papa Vern. Not only is he allowed to work when he can and take off on a moments notice, but his co-workers have rallied and made the most wonderful cards, and sent the sweetest words of encouragement. They are also hosting a fundraising dinner in his honor to help Papa Vern financially through this tough time. In no way would Papa Vern have ever asked for any help, they are simply doing this because they care. I know I have said it once, but truly if you need some home improvement done, please shop at Lowes. Lowes truly cares about their employees and intern the employees truly care about each other, and their customers.
I truly feel that God's light is shinning through Papa Vern. He is continual inspiration to those who get the chance to be around him right now. He is diligent and faithful, God IS in control, and God IS good all the time.
Please continue to pray faithfully, many blessings and...
Much love,
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