1 Thessalonians 5:16

Be Joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will for you.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Papa Vern is now out of ICU and in a normal room. He is allowed to have visitors however speaking is difficult and he is catching up on some much needed rest. As always we appreciate the love and support, but we would like to ask all visitors to please hold off at this time. The daily influx of cards is so comforting and we greatly appreciate the messages and prayers.

Instead of trying to come out to see Papa Vern tomorrow, head out to church and then lunch with the family, take a nap and enjoy your Sunday! We are all consistently on the GO GO GO, and I want to challenge everyone to "Be still and know" that God is God. Sometimes its hard to hear God's voice if we don't take the time to listen.

Please continue to pray without ceasing!

1. Pray that the trach opens up the airways and stays uninfected.
2. Papa Vern will quickly adapt to the changes that are fast approaching.
3. Comfort from the side effects of chemo and radiation, a sense of peace
4. As always complete healing, the Dr.'s we have are great, but are only God's tools in his essential plan.

Much love,

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Real Grey's Anatomy

So as we have established before, I am not a Dr. However, I have watched my fair share of Grey's Anatomy. Let me set up the scene for you, the part of Dr. McDreamy will be played by myself Harley, and the beautiful Katherine Heigel will continue to play Izzy. (We are talking Grey's Anatomy, season 1 with the original cast and back to the good ol' days!)

Set scene: Papa Vern and Nana Bebe show up to oncology center for an x-ray. Papa Vern is having a really hard time breathing so he directs them to Seattle Grace Hospital (aka, Lewisville Medical Center). Papa Vern needs to have an immediate tracheotomy done! (stage directions: in comes Dr. McDreamy, dramatic music playing in the background) Just as Papa Vern struggles to take his last struggling breath, I perform an emergency tracheotomy right there in the ER clinic and save the day! (stage directions: Izzy continues to look gorgeous in her scrubs and surgery mask.)

While it might not have 100% gone down that way, it was something pretty close... Papa Vern had an emergency tracheotomy put in today. While this was unexpected, and painful procedure, we think he will be much better off with the trach. Breathing should be less strained and eventually more comfortable. He is in ICU tonight, and possibly through the weekend, he will be in the hospital for the next 5 days or so. Hopefully not in ICU this whole time, but we do not know at this time.

This procedure did delay the start of chemo and radiation by at least one week. Once we see how the trach is healing we will have a more definitive schedule back in place. Results from the pepscan should be in next week. This test determined if there are anymore active cancer cells in the body.

Please continue to pray faithfully. We are all tired and a little on edge, but doing as well as expected. The love and support is amazing and we truly appreciate all you have been doing.

Much love,

Monday, February 15, 2010

Family Photos

Much love,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Treatment Plans...

For the Cancer...

From dr. appt. 2/5 - Papa Vern will start chemo on 2/22, same day as radiation. He will have two different type of drugs. One will be given once a week every Monday. This drug is used to weaken the outside of the cancer cells. The other is a small continuous infusion daily (mon-fri) by a small pack that he will wear. They will put it on on Mondays and take off on Friday. This is to weaken the inside cancer cells. Both together will make the radiation more effective in killing the cells. If the cancer is any where else in his body, the chemo will attack those cells also. He will need to go to hospital soon for them to put in the port (like Nana Bebe had), this is just an outpatient procedure.

When he goes in daily for radiation, they are also prepared to give him some IVs of fluids, because it is so important to keep him hydrated and flush the chemicals out. If he doesn't need fluids, good, but if he does they have it all planned in.

For the soul...

A daily dose of prayers will be required from everyone reading my blog. We are to pray continually and rejoice often. Funny e-mails and jokes will be administered weekly, laughter heals the spirit and lifts the soul! I will do my part daily and ensure that I am consistently snuggled at his feet, and will not verbalize my disdain for DIET dog food! (I said verbalize my disdain, I will continue to blog about it until one of you gets the point and clue's in the rest of the human population!)

Worrying is not allowed or even discussed. Do not worry is a command by God that we too often forget. Please see Matthew 6:25-34 for further detail and explanation! Worrying is a faithless waste of time, for the Lord provides our DAILY bread, what we need for the day, not tomorrow, not yesterday, but he provides what we need on a DAILY basis. We overcome worry with Faith:

1. Prayer - Pray without ceasing, rejoice in everything
2. Remind yourself of God's promises as Christians and his children
3. Remind yourself of God's history: He calmed the seas, shut the mouths of lions, protected men from the fire, brought down city walls, stopped the sun from shinning, healed the sick, made the lame walk and the blind see... I could go on and on, but I hope you get the point! (If not please see your bible...)

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" - Matthew 6:27

Much love,

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Never let your circumstance determine the presence of God

I really think I should consider a job in the medical profession! I told everyone WEEKS ago that Papa Vern has Stage 4 cancer, and everyone said I was being a debbie downer, in my defense... I'm not a downer, I am a realist. And truth be told, the realist in me is very frustrated. I am frustrated because I feel like everything is taking too long... Papa Vern was diagnosed in January, and its now February and we are just finding out the stage and getting a treatment plan together... Yes, I should become a dr. based on my ability to google and webmd faster than any dr. thus far has come up with answers...

Papa Vern has a dr. appointment with radiation oncologist, Dr. Elhani tomorrow. Radiation should last 7-8 weeks and will be done simultaneously with chemotherapy. Side effects from the radiation will include a breathing tube, and probably feeding tube as well. These are not permanent, but more of an inconvenience. (I guess a feeding tube makes DIET dog food seem not that bad!) It is also going to be hard for Papa Vern to talk in the next couple of weeks. If I had thumbs, I would teach him to text... Better leave that to the humans... If you don't have Papa Vern's cell phone number, feel free to contact Nana Bebe, Sean or Amanda to get the number and send him some love! We are also accepting all forms of cards, scripture, jokes and other inspirational material...

Chemo & Radiation will be done at the Texas Oncology Center in Lewisville, same place that Nana Bebe went to. The staff there is very friendly, Nana Bebe and Papa Vern feel comfortable using them again.

A chest scan and blood work still need to be taken to determine if the cancer is centrally located or has spread. Surgery is a last resort. The dr. thinks that with the chemo and radiation all tumors should be taken care of, but only time will tell.

Things to pray for:
1. For the doctors to work swiftly and accurately
2. Minimal side effects to chemo and radiation
3. Cancer is centrally located and will be knocked out completely for total healing
4. Papa Vern and Nana Bebe's spirits, that they will continue to be comforted and find peace
5. Lowes has told Papa Vern not to worry about his job, however its still a concern. Please pray for financial peace through this time.

Papa Vern has been a loyal employee to Lowes for many years now and is a value to them. We are thankful that they are truly being understanding and accommodating. Should you have any home improvement needs, shop at Lowes. Let's support them while they support Papa Vern.

In the book of Genesis, the Lord was with Joseph through adversity after adversity. I have no doubt that the Lord is with Papa Vern through each step of the healing process, and will continue to be with him through adversity.

"Never let your circumstance determine the presence of God." -Chris Plekenpol, author of Faith in the Fog of War

Much Love,